macOS - Map network drive
Depending on your network configuration, you may need to connect to the Campus VPN to access your network drive.
1. On the Finder toolbar at the top left corner of your Mac, click “Go”, then “Connect to Server…”
If the top left corner of your Desktop does not say “Finder,” then click somewhere on your Desktop first, and you should see the text change to “Finder.”
2. In the “Server Address” box, type the path to your network drive (shared drive), preceded by “smb://”, then click the plus sign to the right of the box to add the path to “Favorite Servers”. The example below is the path to a Staff "U" Drive.
Note: Depending on your version of macOS, the plus sign may be underneath the Favorite Servers list.
3. You will now see that network drive path listed under "Favorite Servers." Click on it, and click the "Connect" button.
4. Click "Connect".
5. Select “Registered User” next to “Connect As”.
Enter [username], and your campus password.
Check the box next to “Remember this password in my keychain” so that you don’t have to enter your credentials every time you connect to your network drive.
Click "Connect."
6. Back in the Finder menu, click "Go", then click "Computer."
7. Click on the name of the network drive and drag it to the Favorites section on the left side of the Finder window.
8. Open System Preferences.
9. Click on "Users & Groups."
10. Click on "Login Items". At the bottom left corner of the Login Items window, click the plus sign.
11. Click on the network drive's name in the Favorites section and click "Add."
12. Your network drive will now reconnect upon login.
Note: If the VPN is required in order to access your network drive, you must run the VPN and repeat Step 3 before you can access the network drive from Finder.
(Optional) To show the network drive on your Desktop, follow these additional steps:
1. On the Finder toolbar, click "Finder," then "Preferences."
2. Under "General," check the checkbox next to "Connected servers."
3. Your network drive will now appear on your Desktop.
Note: If the VPN is required in order to access your network drive, you must run the VPN and repeat Step 3 before you can access the network drive from your Desktop.