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GlobalProtect VPN

The GlobalProtect VPN - also called the Campus VPN - allows access from anywhere to Campus and departmental resources.

Installing and Running GlobalProtect VPN

  1. Check to see if the UMD VPN is installed.  You can search for “GlobalProtect”.  If it is already installed, skip to step 4. 
  2. Download the VPN installer from that matches your operating system. You will be required to sign into the Central Authentication Service (CAS) page. If you are a Linux user, follow the installation instructions from
  3. Run the downloaded file and continue through the installing instructions.
  4. Click the GlobalProtect icon in your taskbar (windows) or at the top of your screen (macOS).
    GlobalProtect icon, gray globe
  5. Type into the Portal Address field then click Connect.
    GlobalProtect connection menu
  6. You will be directed to the Central Authentication Service (CAS) page to sign in using your university Directory ID and password.
    *macOS users: If the application does not prompt for your credentials, open System Preferences, navigate to Security & Privacy and then General, unlock the settings page using your Mac's administrator username and password and then Allow the computer to load the Palo Alto software (GlobalProtect).
  7. You are now connected!

Traveling While Using GlobalProtect

International students and those travelling outside the country who need to force all traffic over the VPN should follow these instructions. This will allow access for services that are blocked by the country, such as Google being blocked by China. 

  1. Follow the steps above to install the VPN.
  2. Open GlobalProtect and type into the Portal Address field.
  3. Select the Gateway drop-down menu.
  4. Select TunnelAll Gateway
    GlobalProtect Gateway menu. TunnelAll Gateway option is selected
  5. Click Connect
  6. You will be directed to the Central Authentication Service (CAS) page to sign in using your university Directory ID and password.
    *macOS users: If the application does not prompt for your credentials, open System Preferences, navigate to Security & Privacy and then General, unlock the settings page using your Mac's administrator username and password and then Allow the computer to load the Palo Alto software (GlobalProtect).
  7. You are now connected and should be able to access blocked resources. 

Using VPN Before Logon

  1. Connect to your Wifi from the Logon Screen.
  2. Next to the Wifi icon on the logon screen, there should be an icon that looks like either 2 computer screens together, or a lock and key. Click this to open GlobalProtect VPN, and login through CAS.
    Icon of two screens together
  3. Once connected to the VPN, login to the computer as normal with your Campus username and password. 

Using Remote Desktop with GlobalProtect VPN


These instructions will only apply to users on Windows machines at home. Please contact the Help Desk to have remote connectivity enabled for your campus desktop. Your office desktop will need to be powered on, connected to the internet, and have no other users currently logged into the device. Remote Desktop must be manually enabled by the Help Desk for each user account on each device.  

  1. From your home Windows machine, connect to the GlobalProtect VPN using the instructions in the section above, "Installing and Running GlobalProtect VPN." 
  2. Open the Remote Desktop Connection app (this can be found by searching for "Remote Desktop Connection" from Windows Search).
  3. Select "Show Options" in the bottom left corner to see the full menu of options. You must do this in order to sign into your machine with your user account.
    Windows Remote Desktop Connection App placeholder screenshot.
  4. You can access your machine by using the one of the following for your "Computer:" 
    1. Staff & Faculty can have their primary device registered under <username>
      • Math & Physics users will be registered with <username> and <username>

    2. <computer name> (Such as ENGRWKAVW1234.ENG.UMD.EDU)
      • Math & Physics devices will be registered with <computer name> and <computer name>
      • Tier 3 devices have this link setup automatically. All other devices will need to be setup manually. Please contact the Help Desk for remote access setup. 
      • We do not recommend using the IP address for remote desktop - network migrations have lead to the IP address being changed in the past!
        remote desktop log-on screen
  5. For your "Username:" line, you should enter your
  6. If you would like your remote connection to use your local computer's resources such as your printer, speakers, microphone, webcam, etc., you can do this by switching over to the Local Resources tab before you connect.
    remote desktop settings to change local resources
  7. Click "Connect" in the bottom left corner to remotely connect to your machine. You will be prompted to enter your directory password. 
    • If prompted, "accept" the certificate from your device. You can click the check-box to "always accept this certificate" to reduce this pop-up from appearing on subsequent connections. 

Mac OS

  1. Connect to the GlobalProtect VPN using the instructions in the section above, "Installing and Running GlobalProtect VPN." 
  2. Install the Microsoft Remote Desktop application from the Mac App Store.
  3. Click "Add PC".  
    Microsoft Remote Desktop - Add PC
  4. For "PC Name" use one of the following:
    • Recommended method: <username>.<department>
      The hostname for your computer, based on your department, will be:
      • General Engineering (any group from Engineering):  
      • Math:
      • Physics:
      • If you would like assistance obtaining/creating a host name please contact the Service Desk. Staff members are provided with these automatically.
    • The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the computer. For example, the name formatted as ENGRWKAVW1234.AD.UMD.EDU. 
    • The IP address.
      Add PC - PC name
  5. For "User account", click on "Ask when required", then "Add User Account". 
  6. For "Username", enter your . For "Password", enter your UMD Directory PasswordAdd a User Account
  7. Click "Add".

Optional: If you're sitting at a computer that has multiple monitors and you'd like to use all of those monitors for Remote Desktop, click on the Display tab, then check "Use all monitors."

Optional: Use all monitors

cisco anyconnect campus vpn remote desktop group globalprotect global protect pulse 
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Owned by:
Ayla H. in UMD Engineering IT
University of Maryland Engineering IT