Printerlogic - Web Login Page Instructions

You can use the following instructions to log in to the PrinterLogic web page.
  1. You can end up at the login page in multiple ways.  You can interact directly with PrinterLogic - Adding a Printer - Start Here, or you can click on this Web link.

  2. You should see the UMD login button as shown below unless you have logged in recently and it remembers your login.  If that happens, you will skip the remainder of this article and you will be logged in.
    Printerlogic UMD login button

  3. Click the UMD button and then you should see the screen below where you enter your UMD email address.  You may see a warning that "The server returned an invalid response and could not be processed" - this warning can be safely ignored and should auto-load to the next screen.
    Printerlogic UMD username prompt

  4. On the next screen, enter your UMD password and then duo if prompted to do so.  You will then have the choice of remembering your login.  This is up to you but remembering it will result in much fewer prompts. If you are on a shared account of some sort, please do not have it remember your login.

  5. If you see a message in a new tab saying you cannot connect, this is a known issue and you should not see it in the future.  Close the tab and proceed.  It is also possible you will see a message saying "PrinterCloud Desktop Client login flow has completed."  You can close this tab and you should not see it regularly.

print printer printercloud web login page instructions add printer umd account logic printerlogic 
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Owned by:
Jeff M. in UMD Engineering IT
University of Maryland Engineering IT