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Getting Started with Honorlock

How to get started with Honorlock, the online proctoring tool.

Honorlock is available for a fee. Units or programs may approve and fund the service at $12.50 per exam. Those interested should email using “Honorlock Request” in the subject line. DIT will provide the memorandum of understanding and configure Honorlock for each course requested.

Recording of UMD Honorlock webinar

On the student side, Honorlock requires a computer with camera, microphone and Chrome browser. It will not work on a phone or ipad, but will work on a chromebook if it has a camera and microphone
Do not enable Respondus Lockdown Browser for the quiz if you plan to enable Honorlock
Do not set an access code for the Canvas Quiz. Honorlock will automatically add one and you should not change it.
Add a practice exam to your course. This allows the student go through the process to make sure they are ready before taking a test using Honorlock
honorlock practice exam view

Honorlock Online Assessment 
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Jim Z. in UMD Engineering IT
University of Maryland Engineering IT