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Uploading Zoom/Webex/Videos to Panopto through Canvas

The best way to share videos with your Canvas class is Panopto

You have created a video file (*.mp4) by recording a zoom session, a webex session or some other means. What is the best way to share that with your students in Canvas.  The answer is Panopto.  Panopto is a media management system that is integrated into Canvas for this purpose.  You could just upload it to the canvas files location, but please don't.  You will quickly run out of quota and it places extra strain on Canvas.

Here is a video that shows how to do it:


Here are written instructions if you prefer that:

Log in to Canvas and navigate to the “Panopto Recordings” page using the link on the left side

of the page. If you have used Panopto in the past, you will see thumbnails of your Panopto

media. Click the “Create” button at the top of the page.


From the drop-down menu, choose “Upload Media”.


A new window will appear. Drag any video file you want to upload into the specified area.


The file will be uploaded and you will receive a notification that the upload completed. You can

close the window when finished. The file is processed after which you will be able to manage

and view it within Canvas (Panopto).


For additional information or support for Panopto, please visit “Getting Started” or email directly.

Engineering has a Canvas support team. This team can help with issues as well as recommendations regarding the Canvas system at UMD. You can reach out to them for assistance at

KeywordsPanopto Zoom Webex Canvas   Doc ID99592
OwnerJim Z.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2020-03-26 13:33:36Updated2020-07-08 16:08:11
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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