Canvas | I Can’t See My Course
Possible reasons you might not see your course:
Registered course(s) are not showing up in Canvas -
- In Canvas, check All Courses under Future Enrollments.
Courses not published by the instructor remain under Future Enrollments until released. You should receive a notification when your course is published. - In Testudo, if the instructor is listed as TBA, no course space has been created.
Once an instructor is listed in Testudo, a course space will be generated and listed under Future Enrollments until released.
Recent drop/adds - course enrollment adds or drops will take 2-3 hours to process
New student registrations - it can take 1-2 days to set up a Directory ID and UID and have it recognized for enrollment in courses. Access to a course can take up to 24 hours.
Changes to Directory ID, or UID - Former IDs will drop out of a course(s), and can take 2-3 hours for a new ID to be recognized.
If you are still uncertain why you do not see a course, please email