Installing Zoom on Ubuntu

Installing Zoom on Ubuntu

Install using Graphical Installer

Install GDebi by running the following command in terminal

sudo apt install gdebi

Download the Zoom Desktop Client for LInux(select Ubuntu as LInux Type):

Right click on the .deb file and open with GDebi

Click on install package

Alternative method: Install through terminal

cd into the location of the downloaded .deb package

Open Terminal and enter:

cd Downloads - if the .deb package is in downloads

Enter the following command in terminal to run it:

sudo apt install ./zoom_amd64.deb


GDebi is a GUI for installing .deb files

KeywordsInstall Zoom Ubuntu LInux   Doc ID131764
OwnerOjie O.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2023-09-29 10:18:23Updated2023-10-13 14:59:34
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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