Installing PyCharm on Ubuntu

Installing PyCharm on Ubuntu

Download the PyCharm Community Tarball(.tar.gz) file from the PyCharm website

Run the following command to install snap:

sudo snap install pycharm-community –classic

In terminal, navigate to the location Tarball file and run the following commands to extract it:

cd Downloads

tar -xvzf  [press tab to autocomplete file name or manually type in full file name]

Run the following commands in terminal to make PyCharm executable:

cd Downloads

cd \[press tab to autocomplete file name or manually type in full file name]

cd bin

sudo chmod u+x



Tarball(.tar.gz or .tgz): a set of files packaged together into a single file, then compressed using the gzip compression program. It is a file extension used for most unix/linux software.

snap: Allows you to install packages, snaps are discoverable and installable from the Snap Store, a public app store with an audience of millions.

      tar -xvzf:

x:extracts the tar file

v: Makes the process verbose

z: Uses gzip(for tar.gz files)

f: Specifies the file input

KeywordsInstall Linux Ubuntu Pycharm   Doc ID131702
OwnerOjie O.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2023-09-26 12:59:28Updated2023-10-13 14:57:18
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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