Secure shell access

How to use ssh to access a Linux computer or wherever ssh is running
  • What is ssh?
    • Secure Shell is a network communication protocol that enables two computers to communicate and share data.  SSH is often used to "login" and perform operations on remote computers but it may also be used for transferring data 
  • Graphics vs no graphics
    • You can run something that will display graphical window(s) back but that requires a program that understands how to do that.
  • First time connection
    • You should be prompted the first time you connect to a remote computer to accept the remote computer's unique ssh key.  If you are prompted again in the future to accept the ssh key for that same computer, it either means the computer has been rebuilt, this is your first time connecting from the computer you are using, or a hacker has taken control of the remote computer.
  •  Connect from the operating systems below to a remote computer
    • Windows 
      • Without support for graphical windows (can be added but requires additional software) - putty
      • With support for graphical widows - mobaxterm
        • Once installed run mobaxterm, click start local terminal, and then type "ssh <username>@<hostname or host ip>" (use the hostname if it is available as the IP address sometimes changes) to connect.  For more details on how to use mobaxterm, click here.
    • Mac
      • Without support for graphical windows - terminal
      • With support for graphical windows - Install xquartz first and then use terminal to connect using "ssh -Y <username>@<hostname>" without the quotation marks.
    • Linux
      • Open up a terminal and type "ssh -Y <username>@<hostname>" without the quotation marks.  Generally this will support graphical windows being returned from the remote computer.

ssh xwindows linux 
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Owned by:
Jeff M. in UMD Engineering IT
University of Maryland Engineering IT