Creating a System Environment Variable

Creating or modifying a System Environment Variable in Windows

Some programs require adding a System Environment Variable, often for licensing.You must have administrator privileges on your Windows computer to add or modify a System Variable using the steps below.

To create or Modify Environment Variables in Windows:

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click on the magnifying glass and search for "System Environment Variables".
    2. Click on "Edit the system environment variables", then "Environment variables..." in the bottom right corner.
    1. To edit an existing System variable, under "System variables", click on the desired variable, and click "Edit...". 
    2. To create a new System variable, under "System variables", click "New...".
  1. Fill in or replace the "Variable name" and "Variable value" fields, as provided to you.
  2. Click "OK", then "OK", then "OK".
  3. If the change isn't reflected right away, sign out of your computer and sign back in.

Keywordssystem environment variable   Doc ID130800
OwnerRob J.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2023-09-01 12:01:08Updated2023-09-01 12:15:30
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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