Physics 405: Experiment sign up sheet

How to sign up or cancel a sign up for an experiment for the Physics 405 lab

How to sign up for an experiment

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your UMD directory ID and password.
  3. When you login for the first time, you will start at a page that has several options on it and shows nothing about Physics 405 experiments.  Click the Department of Physics icon in the upper left to go to the experiment scheduling page.  This icon will always take you back to the main experiment scheduling page.
  4. Select a week using the right/left arrows at the top left or the calendar icon.
  5. Click on new reservation in the appropriate time slot.  Only one person can reserve the morning (9-1) and only one person can reserve the afternoon (1-5 M-Th, 1-4 F) on each day.
  6. Select the time slot desired.  You do not need to specify a title or anything else other than the time slot desired.
  7. Click the create button in the upper right corner.
  8. You will receive an email confirming your reservation.

How to cancel a sign up for an experiment

  1. Either use the confirmation email or go to
  2. Login with your UMD directory ID and password.
  3. Find your reservation and select it  (done for you if you click on View this Reservation in your confirmation email).
  4. Click the delete button in the upper right corner.
  5. You will receive an email confirming your cancellation.

Keywordsteaching labs   Doc ID116867
OwnerJeff M.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2022-02-18 10:39:39Updated2022-03-07 13:00:02
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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