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Password Managers and Recommendations

Password Managers are services, typically that work with a browser extension, that generate and securely store passwords for all of your various accounts.

There are a handful of trusted password managers, though no single one has been adopted directly by UMD (yet). 

  • LastPass is the most well-known. 
  • Keeper has been used by individuals and teams in the UMD Division of Technology. 
  • BitWarden is another option. 

Password managers allow you to effortlessly create complex, secure new passwords for every account you have to make online, without having to memorize them all. Each one makes use of a single Master Password that you memorize in order to access your other passwords. Most of the browser extensions and mobile apps include an AutoFill feature, password generation feature, and additional items such as secure notes and payment information.

Keywordspassword manager lastpass bitwarden keeper   Doc ID110997
OwnerAyla H.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2021-05-24 14:00:22Updated2021-05-24 14:05:43
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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