Make Me Admin

Make Me Admin allows standard user accounts to be elevated to administrator-level on a temporary basis. This is used to replace separate admin accounts to align with campus security compliance under a more secure operation.

Make Me Admin will give your account administrator access for 10 minutes. There is no limit on how many times you can run the program but we suggest only running it when needed. 

If you are on a Tier 2 machine (you log in with your university credentials), access to run the program is restricted to only your account. If you would like someone else to run Make Me Admin on your machine please let us know.

If you are on a Tier 1 machine, any local (non-UMD) account can run Make Me Admin.

How to run Make Me Admin

  1. Start the Make Me Admin app
    Make Me Admin icon

  2. Make Me Admin will check your current administrator status. After a few moments, the app will allow you to click "Grant Me Administrator Rights".
    Make Me Admin - Ready Screen

  3. A notification will pop up confirming that you now have admin rights.
    Make Me Admin "Now Admin" Notification

  4. After 10 minutes, a notification will alert you that your admin rights have ended.
    Make Me Admin "Admin Has Ended" Notification

How to perform tasks as Admin while MMA is running

  1. Most often, you will know MMA has worked when you receive a User Access Control (UAC) prompt while attempting to perform a task requiring Admin rights.
    UAC Prompt
    1. On Tier 2, enter your Campus username and password. 
    2. On Tier 1, enter your local account username as ".\[username]" and the account password. 

  2. Some items run as "Standard" unless you specifically run them as an Administrator. To "Run as Administrator," you can typically right-click and choose "Run as Administrator." If this doesn't appear for you, you may try "shift + right click" to see if it appears. 

  3. For more advanced Windows operations, you may need to run their executable command via a Command Prompt running as admin
    1. Run the Command Prompt as Admin.

    2. You will need to know the command of the program you are trying to run. For example, to run the Windows Disk Partition tool, you'll need to run the command "diskpart" from an Administrator Command Prompt. If you aren't sure how to run what you need to run as admin with MMA, reach out to the Service Desk for a remote session or email

Keywordsadmin tier 2, mma, make me admin, makemeadmin   Doc ID110611
OwnerKaitlyn K.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2021-04-29 17:16:21Updated2023-10-18 10:12:44
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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