Topics Map > IT Operations > Software and Licensing

Lab Software Requests

Information regarding lab software requests.

VCL or Classroom Software Requests

All course instructors may submit requests for software installation on the VCL or in a classroom managed by Engineering IT using the following link. Course instructors may be faculty, graduate teaching assistants, teaching fellows, or affiliates involved with a course.  

Engineering Classroom Lab Software Requests

We recommend that software requests be made at least two weeks in advance of the start of fall or spring semester. Once requests are submitted, they are reviewed by the service desk team and assigned to the appropriate administrator(s) for installation. 

Research Lab, Staff, or other Software Licensing Requests

If you're looking to request that the college purchase a site license for faculty, staff, or research labs to use, you may submit a request at the link below and our license manager will be in touch with you. 

Engineering Site License Request 

Keywordslabs lab software requests request new installation ece eng course class classroom ents engr enee vcl virtual   Doc ID105992
OwnerRob J.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2020-09-18 15:44:21Updated2024-07-02 12:36:18
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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