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Connect to eduroam on Linux

This document will illustrate how to connect to eduroam when using Linux. Most distributions are supported.

Option 1 - via the SecureW2 tool

Note: An active internet connection is required in order to use this tool. Connect to umd-guest first if you do not have a wired connection and are on campus.

Division of IT provides an easy tool that can be used to configure your system to connect to the eduroam wireless network. To use this tool to set up your Linux device, click the link below and select the option for Linux after clicking on ‘Get connected to eduroam’.

Open the SecureW2 Tool

Option 2 - manual configuration

If the SecureW2 tool does not work or you wish to manually configure the connection, you may need to use your Linux distribution’s native network tools in order to connect successfully.

You may also be able to use wpa_supplicant (if you have used a Raspberry Pi this will be familiar) to connect on many distributions. A guide on how to install, configure, and use wpa_supplicant to connect can be found here.

Manual Configuration Settings

As of 9/11/2020, the eduroam configuration settings are as follows:

ESSID (Network Name): eduroam

Network Type: Infrastructure (or Access Point)



Network Authentication: N/A

Data Encryption: N/A

Authentication Method/Protocol: MSCHAP-v2

Trusted Root Certification Authorities: DigiCert

Server name:

The most up to date settings can be found on the Division of IT knowledge base. You may also need to manually install the certificate.

linux, eduroam, wireless, internet, wifi, ubuntu 
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Owned by:
Adam K. in UMD Engineering IT
University of Maryland Engineering IT