Glue Linux module commands

How to use the Glue Linux module commands to access available software

Module sets up your environment to be able to use available software.  It does this by changing the PATH environment variable as well as setting other required environment variables such as pointing to a license server for the software that will be launched.

How to use module

module avail - Display the list of available software.  Equivalent to "tap".  This also shows what modules you have loaded with a (L) beside each module that has been loaded.

module load <app name> - Loads the environment for the default version of <app name>.  Equivalent to "tap <app name>" except instructions to run the app will not be displayed.

module load <app name>/<app version> - Loads the environment for the specified version of <app name>.   Equivalent to "tap <app name with version>" except instructions to run the app will not be displayed.

module help <app name>/<app version> - Provides help which normally explains how to run the application.

module unload <app name>/<app version> - Unload the environment in case you no longer want it loaded.


module load matlab

matlab (launches default version of matlab)

module unload matlab (removes the default version settings)

module load matlab/2022b

matlab (launches matlab 2022b)

module unload matlab/2022b (removes the 2022b settings)

module load matlab/2023a

matlab (launches matlab 2023a)

If you use a particular module often, you can add the appropriate "module load" command to your .cshrc.mine and .bashrc.mine files which are located at the top level of your home space.  For instance, you can add the lines below to the bottom of the files.  When you next ssh to a glue computer or launch a terminal window, you will be able to run matlab or mathematica if you include the lines below.  I would suggest including them at the end of the file.

module load matlab

module load mathematica

Keywordsenvironment linux load path   Doc ID103513
OwnerJeff M.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2020-07-01 15:27:01Updated2023-08-17 07:41:47
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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