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Gmail - Filter Messages

An overview of how to use a gmail message to create a filter for "messages like these."
1. Click on the message in gmail that you want to create a filter for.

2. Click the 3 dots above the message to look at more options and select "Filter messages like these".


3. This will bring up a condition window that should have the from condition filled in. You can customize the filter for whatever you need and then click "Create filter".


4. This will bring up an actions window where you can decide what you want to do with messages that match the filter. Incorrect filters can cause messages to be missed so be careful especially selecting an action such as "Delete it". You should monitor your trash for some period of time if you select this option to be sure the filter isn't deleting messages that it should not be deleting. Moving to a specially created folder is a more conservative option where you can check that folder periodically to be sure the filter is working properly.


Keywordsgmail,filter,messages,like,google   Doc ID96322
OwnerJeff M.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2019-12-02 14:36:02Updated2020-02-04 11:11:10
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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