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Request a course in PrairieLearn

Learn how to request a course as an instructor in PrairieLearn.


Faculty who want to use PrairieLearn in their course. Students who are looking to enroll in a PrairieLearn course should view this guide instead.

Request a course in PrairieLearn

IT Development has set up an automated request process that makes adding your course to our PrairieLearn instance on easy.

To request a PrairieLearn Course, use the PrairieLearn Course Request button below to navigate to our course request form. Upon submission, the form will automatically create a GitLab repository where your course data will be stored. The process is mostly automated; our team still needs to manually provision the course in PrairieLearn.

PrairieLearn Course Request 

Keywordsprairielearn, course request, prairielearn course   Doc ID121269
OwnerNicholas B.GroupUMD Engineering IT
Created2022-09-13 09:47:18Updated2023-04-03 13:33:51
SitesUniversity of Maryland Engineering IT
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