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Waiting Rooms in Zoom

As of Sunday, September 20, all Zoom meetings will be required to have a Waiting Room to increase meeting security.

The Waiting Room meeting option will be automatically set to a locked “on” condition. However, meeting participants who have logged into Zoom via the UMD Zoom portal ( or the Zoom client with their UMD Directory credentials before accessing the link to the meeting will automatically pass through the Waiting Room into the scheduled session.  All other individuals desiring to participate in a meeting, including those with non-UMD identities, will be held in the Waiting Room until the meeting host(s) recognize and admit them.
Meeting hosts will see the Waiting Room list via the Participant list once they have entered the meeting room. 

Meeting hosts can admit attendees one by one or opt to hold all attendees in the Waiting Room and admit them all at once.  In this case, hosts can scan the Waiting Room participant list and take note of names unknown to them. Names connoted with (Guest) are those individuals who have not logged into Zoom with their UMD credentials.  Unknown Waiting Room participants can be messaged and removed from the Waiting Room before admitting all other participants. Note that Waiting Room participants cannot respond to messaging.

Waiting Rooms will automatically be enabled for meetings you have already scheduled.  This feature cannot be overridden.

Note: The “Join before host” option is not compatible with the Waiting Room feature.

*Adapted from this DivIT article

zoom, waiting room, security, zoombombing 
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Owned by:
Adam K. in UMD Engineering IT
University of Maryland Engineering IT